10 Foods You Should Avoid When Pregnant (No. 5 is The Worst)

Updated: Dec 8, 2021
By Ameenah Gumbi
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Foods to avoid during pregnancy seem almost impossible with all the cravings that come with pregnancy. What should you eat that will not harm your baby? It is very difficult to avoid such foods especially if that’s what your baby wants. You have to keep in mind that there are certain foods that can increase the risk of harm for you and your unborn child. It is not that you are going to avoid eating all these foods until your delivery. No! You need to limit your consumption of certain foods or cook them under sanitary conditions. Other beverages, you have to let go of until your baby is delivered.

These foods you consume are shared between you and the baby you are carrying. If you come down with food poisoning, your baby might not survive it. Since most types of food poisoning might not affect you but harm the pregnancy. Here are the foods you should try to limit or avoid when pregnant.

1. Raw, Undercooked or Contaminated Seafood

Seafood when eaten in a healthy way is important as it is a high source of protein, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, and also low in saturated fat. It can lower heart disease from occurring. Eating raw seafood can harm your health while undercooked or contaminated seafood can lead to food poisoning because they contain bacteria known as Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus that are agents of non-bloody diarrheal Cholera disease in man. Consuming such can also lead to Thiamine deficiency, hepatitis A or even parasitic infection.

Remember to always cook your seafood till it is done. Don’t eat half-done seafood or raw seafood as food poisoning can harm your baby. You should try to reduce how much Tuna you eat, it is high in mercury than other fishes. Too much mercury is also harmful to your unborn child.

Four medium-size can of tuna is enough servings per week when you are pregnant. Also, eat at least two-part of fish per week, make sure in that week one part is oily fish as it will help develop your baby’s nervous system.

2. Undercooked or Contaminated Meat and Poultry

Food poisoning is also associated with the consumption of raw or undercooked meat or poultr

Food poisoning is also associated with the consumption of raw or undercooked meat or poultry. Eating such foods can increase the risk of infection from bacteria and parasites Toxoplasma, Campylobacter, E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, or other microorganisms responsible for foodborne diseases.

Bacterial infection during pregnancy may affect the health of your baby or even lead to stillbirth or the baby might develop neurological illness after birth. There is a risk of getting infected with food poisoning from eating raw or undercooked meat or poultry meat. This can lead to miscarriage.

Cured meats are not cooked and they harbour many parasites. Make sure your meat is well-cooked, washed, and cooked under sanitary conditions. Your baby will need the nutrients from meat as long as it is in a healthy diet.

3. Undercooked or Raw Eggs

oods to avoid during pregnancy if eaten raw or undercooked.

Eggs are also part of the foods to avoid during pregnancy if eaten raw or undercooked. Since contaminated raw eggs contain Salmonella bacteria, Salmonella can affect you but likely not your unborn child. But cases of stillbirth and premature birth have been recorded even though it was minimal.

It is better to avoid raw or undercooked eggs when pregnant. Try cooking or frying your eggs. Make sure you read labels when purchasing food products to be on the safe side. You can eat anything you want after delivery.

4. Unwashed Fruits or Vegetables

t is not new knowledge that citrus fruits are acidic.

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain harmful germs microorganisms that can make people very sick. Pregnant women are at higher risk of food poisoning from such foods. Contamination of these foods occurs on the farm during harvest, processing, and other production-related processes.

It is important to avoid infection from Toxoplasma during pregnancy as it can lead to blindness of babies, or brain damage at birth. Make sure you wash your fruits and vegetables to reduce the risk of getting infected.

5. Pineapples

Pineapple is a tropical fruit loved by many people which can be eaten raw, in fruit juices, or in dishes. Pregnant women might be affected by eating this fruit if they have serious cravings that will make them eat more than seven pineapples at a go. This will soften the cervix leading to early labour or miscarriage in the early stages.

Eating small slices when pregnant is okay even though some women experience acid flux, heartburns, or even diarrhoea. The effect of bromelain present in pineapple, when consumed in large quantity, is the reason it is considered as one of the foods to avoid during pregnancy to be on the safe side and for the health of your baby.

6. Unpasteurized Milk

Consuming unpasteurized milk or dairy products is bad for your pregnancy as it contains Listeria bacteria amongst others.

Consuming unpasteurized milk or dairy products is bad for your pregnancy as it contains Listeria bacteria amongst others. Listeria during the first trimester of your pregnancy can cause miscarriage. If affected at the last trimester the mother is at risk more than the baby. It can lead to premature labour, low birth weight infant on delivery, or even death of the baby.

Fetus affected can develop an intellectual disability, paralysis, or even seizures amongst others. To prevent things from happening, make sure your refrigerator is free from the pathogen then you can refrigerate at 4℃ or below that. Use all your ready-to-eat perishable goods as soon as possible do not refrigerate them for long.

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7. Liver

The liver is one of the healthy foods we have. Dishes containing liver are common worldwide. Eating liver is not safe for pregnant women. Even though it contains vitamins, minerals, and protein. It is considered one of the foods to avoid during pregnancy because it is nutrient-dense meat. Vitamin A found in the liver should not be consumed much when pregnant.

The liver is one of the healthy foods we have. Dishes containing liver are common worldwide. Eating liver is not safe for pregnant women. Even though it contains vitamins, minerals, and protein. It is considered one of the foods to avoid during pregnancy because it is nutrient-dense meat. Vitamin A found in the liver should not be consumed much when pregnant.

Liver cravings or too much consumption of liver can lead to vitamin A overdose known as hypervitaminosis A leading to vitamin A toxicity. This condition can be mild with itchy skin, rashes, and headache, or even severe conditions like liver damage, coma, or death.

8. Alcohol

Sulfites are chemical preservatives used in slowing down browning and discolouration in foods. They have been believed to cause asthma symptoms that could be mild or severe in reaction

Drinking alcohol at any stage of pregnancy is bad for your baby. Alcohol can damage the development of your baby’s brain and other organs. Drinking alcohol is not safe for your baby. The risk of it can lead to premature birth, birth defects, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs), low birth weight, miscarriage and stillbirth.

It is best to not drink alcohol when pregnant or planning to be pregnant try to get prenatal care or see a specialist if you want to stop drinking alcohol as it is not only harmful to your baby as much as it is for you.

9. Coffee

Coffee has caffeine as one of its constituents, and caffeine has an effect on saliva production.

Caffeine in coffee boost energy levels and focus by making us feel alert. Researchers have found caffeine to stimulate your brain and central nervous systems. As beneficial as it is, it can be harmful when pregnant. Caffeine is also associated with an increased risk of miscarriages, preterm birth, low birthweight.

Taking coffee when pregnant can lead to an increase in your blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, increased anxiety, dizziness, restlessness, abdominal pain and even diarrhoea. I

f you still wish to take coffee during pregnancy, make sure you do not take more than 1-2 cups of coffee per day or 2-4 cups of caffeinated tea per day.

10. Herbal Tea

10 Benefits of Green Tea You Should Know About

Pregnant women drink tea to meet up their required fluid needs when pregnant. While some take it as a natural remedy for pregnancy-related symptoms since it’s considered safe and natural. Certain teas are harmful to you and your baby.

Caffeinated teas should be limited due to the effect of caffeine. Herbal teas ay contain unsafe compounds that can harm your pregnancy. This can lead to miscarriage or preterm labour, menstrual bleeding, birth defects. In rare cases, eucalyptus tea can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, or nausea. Chamomile tea can lead to poor blood flow to the baby’s heart when taken.

It is best to avoid drinking such herbal teas when pregnant. If you love taking tea you should try taking Raspberry leaf, peppermint, and ginger or lemon balm teas as they are considered safe during pregnancy.


During pregnancy, it is important you eat a healthy diet packed with nutrients this is because you need it more than ever. By eating well, you are supporting the health and development of your baby. Try to eat healthy meals and snacks that are more of proteins, vegetables, fruits and also limit eating foods to avoid during pregnancy.

What are the foods that your doctor told you not to eat during pregnancy? Kindly leave a comment below or share it with your loved ones.

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